Friday, October 30, 2009

Friday Fix-it For the end of October

As you all can see I haven't done a Friday Fix It From the i ♥ faces blog in a long time, but this week I just could not resist! This picture is ADORABLE!!!! So I had to give it a shot! Here is the original:

And then here are the ones I did, it was so much fun I almost didn't want to stop! Let me know what you think! I love comments!

Thanks for looking!


Monday, October 26, 2009

Timeless Traditions

One tradition my children and I have is spending a day together at the local County 4-H Fair. This day mostly consists of them riding all the really BIG rides and giving me mini heart attacks and me spending a bunch of money on that game where you put in your token and the little pusher fills in the spaces and if you are lucky you may get a rubber skeleton or more tokens. But we have a good time and always leave with smiles on our face and our teeth aching from all the sugar. Here are some photos I wanted to share from this years trip.

I hope you enjoy these as much as I enjoyed taking them!


Sunday, October 25, 2009

Take a little ride on my big, green tractor.

Meet the Sikorski's, Kelly and Keith and there super awesome family invited me out to their farm to take pictures with their HUGE pride and joy-a John Deere Combine-and man was that thing sweet! I had so much fun with them, the whole family was really funny and made the photo shoot go so well even though it was pretty cold outside! Here are my tops from this shoot, you can check the rest out here

Thank you Keith and Kelly for being so hospitable and making it such a fun evening!


Friday, October 16, 2009

The McIntosh family and apples

This is my photographer friend Erica and her super cute family. I met Erica on facebook and we have grown to be friends through critiquing and just general chit-chat on late editing nights. When she asked me to do a session for her I was honored and couldn't wait! Who doesn't love apple orchards? I didn't know it was goign to be so much fun to shoot this session and I am so glad I agreed to do it! Here are some of my favorites and believe me there were alot!

Thanks Erica, I had such a blast! Can't wait until our next session!


Wednesday, October 14, 2009


First, I would like to apologize to my faithful followers for not being on here lately, I have been swamped with sessions, photo editing, Cheerleading because I am now the Bronson Junior High Sideline Cheer Coach (yay me!), and my family. Also...I have a website now! WOOHOOOO-celebrate good times, come on! So, I had to take a little time and do some design. But I am back and ready to post a few sessions!

This is Kinslea, she is so stinking cute and was up for anything I asked! It was so cool to be able to put her places most kids wouldn't go! I have known her mother for years and was super excited when she booked a session, I knew it would turn out great! Here are my picks from my time spent with them.

Thanks Deb, it was so much fun and I am looking forward to our next session!
