Thursday, September 10, 2009


You might recognize this cutie from the spring pictures I took of his family. Well, now he is one! He is the cutest little stinker and so happy! I love his little smile and his fascination with my camera! His party was quite a success...except for the fact that the birthday boy was wiped out and decided he needed a nap.

Before he took his nap though, his friends played pop the balloon to get the candy inside; the only problem with that is they didn't want to pop the balloons!

So while Carter slept his party away, I decided to get some pictures of what was going on around me.

Then the little prince decided to wake up but he was not very happy! He just wanted his mom even though there was yummy cake just for him!

But mom said lets go ahead and open presents and that cheered him right up!

After the party I shot some photos of him as keepsakes for his mom and he was in such a good mood then! Thank you Jamie and Carter for letting share this special time with you!



Dianne Brubaker September 11, 2009 at 5:07 PM  

Love those dirty little feet! Very nice photos!